DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 28, 2025
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Danielle, Heidi, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes
–Motion to Approve: Heidi; Second: Brittney
–Vote: 6–Yes; 0–No; 0–Abstain
Treasurer’s Report–N/A (Meeting is focused on policies)
–Annual Report reviewed and approved
–Reconciled the financial “books” for 2024
–Moving our accounts from Citizens Bank due to interest and customer service concerns; exploring
other options, particularly KeyBank since we already work with them in other capacities
Director’s Report
–All of our annual numbers (visitors, circulation, digital check-outs, etc.) have increased.
→ We had about 1,000 more visitors this year than the previous year
Rules of Conduct
–Motion to Approve: Heidi; Second: Brittney
–Vote: 6–Yes; 0–No; 0–Abstain
→ Approved
Board Member Term Ending
–Brittney’s term is ending in February; she will be stepping down
→ Reaching out to other library patrons
MidYork-Amazon Partnership
–Saving money on a free Amazon account due to a new partnership with MidYork
Adjourned at 6: 32pm (Motion–Heidi; 2nd–Brittney)
Next Meeting: March 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 3, 2024
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Danielle, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved November Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–N/A (Meeting is focused on policies)
Director’s Report
–WinterFest is this Saturday from 3-6pm
–Library is providing popcorn and a kids’ craft table for ornament-making
Security Concerns
–Jen and Amanda met with Rex (Town Supervisor) and Jean (Food Pantry) to review security concerns
for the building.
–Jen is working on a calendar for volunteers to limit the amount of time that Amanda is in the building
alone, specifically at night.
Circulation Policy
–Jen and Amanda reviewed and updated the policy
–Motion to Approve: Julie; Second: Brittney
–Vote: 6–Yes; 0–No; 0–Abstain
→ Policy Approved
Rules of Conduct
–Jen and Amanda reviewed and updated the policy
–Board members reviewed and edited
–We will vote to approve it at the next meeting after giving everyone time to reflect on current library
Motion–Brittney 2nd–Danielle
Next Meeting: TBD
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 12, 2024
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved September Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed proposed budget for next year
-Budget from this year is balancing out
-Early discussions about rewriting some of our gifting policies; we rely on memorials and gifts
Director’s Report
–All numbers are consistent
Safety Concern
–Need to adjust the Thursday evening shift to ensure that no one is alone, and then reworking the
schedule to ensure that no one is alone in any shift.
–Recruit more volunteers; targeted recruiting
–Need to discuss and implement security procedures with other parties in the building (the town and the
Food Pantry)
→ This includes documentation of safety-concern incidents
–Need to adjust our Library Patron Rules of Conduct Policy
–Director is installing the security camera app on new ipads so that any volunteer can access the
cameras while volunteering.
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: Tues. December 3rd @ 6:00pm
DeRuyter Free Library Board Meeting
June 06, 2024
Jennifer, Julia, Heidi and Amanda in person. Brittney, Kate, and Danielle virtually.
Jennifer called meeting to order at 6:05PM.
Secretary’s report: March and June minutes to be reviewed next meeting.
Treasurers report: Reviewed checking account statement, investment account statement, and Profit and
Loss detail YTD. Approved by Board.
Directors’ report:
Reviewed circulation numbers for March, April, and May.
Received Mid York proposed Overdrive billing 2026-2028
Amanda has been working on Summer Program registration, expects it to open by next week.
Old Business: N/A
New Business:
Book Fair upcoming- need boxes
Announcements: N/A
Adjournment: Julie made a motion to adjourn, with Heidi second. 6:22PM
Next Meeting: September 24, 2024
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 28, 2024
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Danielle, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved February Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed February statements
–Everything is within the budget allowances
–Edward Jones account is recovering
Director’s Report
–Annual Report (financial and statistical data) is done.
Bylaw Review
–Scheduled for April 4th
–We are an Association School District library, and therefore we must follow the rules of that category
Trustees Handbook Training
–Jen participated in the training
–We all take sexual harassment trainings for our employers, so we need to collect and file those
–Distributed eclipse glasses (450+ at this point, and more are coming in)
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Danielle
Next Meeting: Thurs, May 2nd at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 8, 2024
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed Dec./Jan. statements
Director’s Report
–Digital Lending price is now 50% less (due to size, budget, etc.)
–January Circulation numbers were strong
–End of Year Reports: circulation, programs, patrons, computer use, etc. are increasing each year.
–Recurring Bylaw review is planned for next meetings
–DeRuyter Town Supervisor Updates
–Spoke about fuel/heating bills for last year and this year
→ 7:03pm start
Election of Officers
-President: Jennifer Jones
→ Motion: Julie; Second: Brittney (Vote: 6-yes; 0-no; 0-abstentions)
-Vice President: Brittney Sutherland
→ Motion: Jen; Second: Kate (Vote: 6-yes; 0-no; 0-abstentions)
-Secretary: Kate Meigs
→ Motion: Heidi; Second: Julie (Vote: 6-yes; 0-no; 0-abstentions)
-Treasurer: Heidi Ouderkirk
→ Motion: Jen; Second: Julie (Vote: 6-yes; 0-no; 0-abstentions)
→ Approved: Motion–Julie; 2nd–Heidi (5-Yes, 0-No, 0 Abstentions)
Motion–Julie 2nd–Heidi
Next Meeting: Thurs, March 28th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved October Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved budget for 2024
→ Ray and Company reviewed and approved the budget as well
→ Renegotiated advisory fee for Edward Jones account
Director’s Report
–96 participants in the Storybook Walk; partnered with Madison County Rural Health
–Borrowed Patron Rules of Conduct from 10 other libraries to view examples
–DeRuyter Town Supervisor Updates
–Planning to install updated cameras outside the building; exploring options and prices
–Some building lighting updates for more energy efficiency
–Discuss purchasing and installing a permanent sign outside the building for shared building use
–Discussed and voted on Director’s Salary
→ Approved: Motion–Julie; 2nd–Heidi (5-Yes, 0-No, 0 Abstentions)
–Final 2024 Budget
→ Approved: Motion–Julie; 2nd–Heidi (5-Yes, 0-No, 0 Abstentions)
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 24, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Danielle, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved June Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved June reports
Director’s Report
–Summer Program was a highlight
–Book sale was profitable
–Closed in August for five days and still had high circulation numbers
–NOT going to change the Fiscal Year to match the school year
→ Too complicated and expensive in relation to our taxes
–Tentative Budget for 2024 in progress
–Updating Patron Rules of Conduct
–Looking into cameras for volunteers’ safety
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: Tues, October 24th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Annual Meeting
June 27, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Julie, Heidi, Danielle, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved April Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved April reports
Director’s Report
–Summer Program is ready! It starts July 6th.
–Going to Change the Fiscal Year to match the school year: Jyly 1st to June 30th
→ The school approved the change
→ Last step is getting the tax comp’s approval
→ Interim Budget (New Annual budget will be approved next meeting to reflect new fiscal year)
–June 13th was a Bylaw Committee meeting
→ Reviewed and began revising bylaws
–Maurine’s gift is being completed
–Danielle was approved as a new Board Member
→ (6-yes; 0-no; 0-abstain)
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Julie
Next Meeting: Tues, September 26th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Annual Meeting
April 25, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved March Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved March reports
Director’s Report
–Strong circulation numbers
–A DeRuyter Student would like to volunteer at our summer program, in collaboration with
ACCESS-VR organization.
–Summer Program
-Theme: All Together (Community!)
-Plan to visit community sites, such as the Fire Dept and Historical Society
End of Term Gift for Maurine; invite her to a last meeting
Ongoing: Recruiting more board members
Ongoing: Circulation desk repair
Motion–Jenn 2nd–Kate
Next Meeting: Tues, June 13th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Annual Meeting
March 2, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Heidi, Brittney, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved year overview (Quickbooks)
→ Automatic payments for most
→ Working to align our fiscal year to the school year (instead of calendar year)
→ Voted on 2023 Budget
–Motion–Kate; 2nd–Jennifer
–Approved Unanimously (Yes–5; No–0)
Director’s Report
–Over 1,000 people attended programs this year!
–Hosted 81 programs this year!
Front Desk
→ Use some of the excess money in budget to refinish the front desk
Board Members
→ Reinstated Kate for another term (Yes–5; No–0)
→ Maurine’s Term has ended; 10 years!
→ Looking for another Board member
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: Tues,April 25th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Annual Meeting
March 2, 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Heidi, Brittney, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved year overview (QUickbooks)
→ Automatic payments for most
→ Working to align our fiscal year to the school year (instead of calendar year)
→ Voted on 2023 Budget
–Motion–Kate; 2nd–Jennifer
–Approved Unanimously (Yes–5; No–0)
Director’s Report
–Over 1,000 people attended programs this year!
–Hosted 81 programs this year!
Front Desk
→ Use some of the excess money in budget to refinish the front desk
Board Members
→ Reinstated Kate for another term (Yes–5; No–0)
→ Maurine’s Term has ended; 10 years!
→ Looking for another Board member
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: Tues,April 25th at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board Meeting
February 9, 2023
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Julie, Brittany and Heidi in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved
Discussed budget, similar year over year
Amanda to ask if library can be on the same fiscal year end with school.
Director’s Report
–Storytime: Program is still well attended but unpredictable with numbers
-Amanda to ask Midyork about circulation charge, would like to see a breakdown
-Amanda to ask if library can be on the same fiscal year end with school.
Bylaws were reviewed and updated
Policies to review and approve
Vote on Budget
Review Officer terms
Trustee training
Motion–Heidi 2nd–Julie
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00 pm
February 9 2023
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Maurine, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved October Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and tentatively approved year overview; will review again when broken down
more detailed categories; budget approval is planned for February
Director’s Report
–Storytime: very high attendance!
–Storybook Walk: approximately sixty people within a two hour period; effective to partner with the
PTO event occurring at the same time
–Warm Clothing Drive: very successful
–Homeschool group is very active; checking out a lot of books each month
Bylaws and policies are an ongoing discussion
→ Will vote to approve at the next meeting
Bylaws: Reviewed the Handbook for Library Trustees’ list of what needs to be posted online for community;
working to determine what we have, need, or should update.
Step 1: We will post the updated bylaws
Step 2: Tackle one item in each category as the year goes on.
Motion–Julie 2nd–Jenn
Next Meeting: Tues, January 10 or February 7, 2022 at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 11, 2022
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Julie, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved May and August Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved Citizen’s Bank monthly statements
Director’s Report
-had great participation and engagement! Over 100 people came in one day!
-very successful finale party (for Summer Reading Program)
-Story time had very high attendance
-Started work with the Homeschool Group
-Open House
-Other Updates
-Received CLRC Grant; deciding how to best use funds
-Bridgita, who was on the Library Board in the past, husband passed away
-Thank you notes written by Director is going very well
-New water fountains with water bottle dispensers installed
-Halloween Story Walk being planned
Book Sale: most successful yet!
Bylaws: planning to review and update
–Amanda will flag sections that need updating
–Board members will update those sections as needed
Motion–Julie 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: Tues, December 6, 2022 at 6:00 pm
August 02, 2022
CALL TO ORDER- Jennifer called meeting to order.
Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, Maurine in attendance. Kate
SECRETARY’S REPORT- No prior meeting minutes to approve provided;
Kate will provide next scheduled meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT- Approved as written
MidYork Road Trip has brought in more than 30 new visitors- raving
reviews from participants.
Yard Sale- low participation
Record broke—87 patrons in one day with 130 checkouts!
Jr. Lego League starting soon.
Outdoor Movie plans for 2023
Vacation plans- upcoming closures discussed.
Summer Reading Program- Very successful in attendance- Board
appreciates all the work Amanda has put forth to run these well
attended and enjoyed programs for the kids. Finale party is scheduled
for 08/06/2022.
Book Sale- All volunteer slots are filled and looking forward to another successful sale.
ADJOURNMENT- Julie, Heidi second
NEXT MEETING: October 11, 2022 at 6pm
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Ouderkirk
August 02, 2022
CALL TO ORDER- Jennifer called meeting to order.
Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, Maurine in attendance. Kate
SECRETARY’S REPORT- No prior meeting minutes to approve provided;
Kate will provide next scheduled meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT- Approved as written
MidYork Road Trip has brought in more than 30 new visitors- raving
reviews from participants.
Yard Sale- low participation
Record broke—87 patrons in one day with 130 checkouts!
Jr. Lego League starting soon.
Outdoor Movie plans for 2023
Vacation plans- upcoming closures discussed.
Summer Reading Program- Very successful in attendance- Board
appreciates all the work Amanda has put forth to run these well
attended and enjoyed programs for the kids. Finale party is scheduled
for 08/06/2022.
Book Sale- All volunteer slots are filled and looking forward to another successful
ADJOURNMENT- Julie, Heidi second
NEXT MEETING: October 11, 2022 at 6pm
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 9, 2022
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Jennifer, Heidi, Amanda, Brittney, Maurine, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved January Minutes
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved January and February statements
Director’s Report–Programming has resumed!
–Once per month an employee of the county comes in to host a program
–COVID home test kits are available for free; we’ve given away three cases so far.
Board Membership
–Jenn’s term has run out; she is signing up for another term (and remaining the Board President)
–Cleaning: The library is purchasing a new vacuum.
Motion–Amanda 2nd–Brittney
Next Meeting: May 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Kate Meigs
March 2022
January 2022
Town Meeting
November 10, 2021
CALL TO ORDER- Jennifer called meeting to order.
Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Heidi, Julie, Kate in attendance. Maurine
SECRETARY’S REPORT- No prior meeting minutes to approve provided;
Kate will provide next scheduled meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT- Approved as written
DIRECTOR’S REPORT- Numbers month over month seem to be off as
patronage has increased quite a bit while circulation is not. September
had Book Fair and History program in October VERY well attended.
Future Rockets also count within the patron count.
Paychex- process of switching is still underway; paperwork distributed
Juneteenth- in accordance with other MidYork Libraries, will be closed.
Preschool – Future Rockets program underway and going well. 7 enrolled
Budget- email to follow- interim shared, underway; will approve and email
school post January meeting
PTO Book Fair- thank you note received and received Scholastic bucks
given for hosting. Thank you Jennifer Jones & Missy Newton
Homeschool program- new to Programming list, very well attended
Weekly story hour- very well attended and feedback has been very positive.
Town Board meeting updates from Brittney- Elevator challenges
continuously, Building committee cadence, no mention on utility bills,
Heidi will reach out regarding utility bills thus far.
Taxes- 2020 filed Ray & Co. annual taxes- copy on file in library.
Marketing class- campaign to market additional volunteers for library
Magnets design
Volunteer Status- Lost another volunteer, need to increase numberdiscussed several options to obtain more in hopes of starting Saturday
hours again.
ADJOURNMENT- Julie, Kate second
NEXT MEETING: January 12, 2022 at 6pm
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Ouderkirk
JULY 14, 2021
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order 6:02 pm
Attendance taken – Heidi, Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Julie and Maurine in attendance. Kate absent
Minutes for May approved
Treasurer’s Report – Reviewed and approved – Director’s salary is still not reflective
Director’s Report – Amanda reviewed programming and stats. Computer usage and Wifi usage are up now that school is out. Summer Reading Program had about 40 sign up but 12 have come.
Old Business – payment to town still tabled
No new business
Cash box will be needed for booksale. Heidi will write a check payable to herself and cash at Key Bank for the cash box
Next Meeting – 9/22/21 6:00 (skip August due to Fair)
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 26, 2021
Jenn Jones called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Julie, and Maurine in attendance. Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved March & April Minutes
→ Director’s Salary is still not reflective of approved raise.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats.
→ Numbers are consistent across last two months
→ All computers are now open without restrictions, so numbers will increase
CLRC Grant
→ Put in for grant for CLRC relief funds to recoup our cleaning supplies and fees.
Building Committee
→ Formation of a building committee was discussed and suggested
→ We have interested individuals
→ Jenn will contact both Dan, Madison County Emergency Management, and Chuck, Town Supervisor.
Programming is back! (from COVID hiatus)
→ Garden Club is rescheduled from last week to tomorrow night (5/27)
→ All programs, including summer reading, are being held outdoors.
Payment to the Town
→ We are “tabling” the discussion and payment until we get more information.
–What are the town’s expenses, and how much do they amount to?
–The town received a significant amount of COVID relief
–The town budget is “in good shape” according to town meetings
–What do they need?
→ Jenn and Heidi met with the bank to add Jenn as an official signer
→ Determined it is best to stay with current bank (instead of switching to NBT) because of record-keeping
benefits, as well as a more user-friendly online banking experience.
New Volunteer
→ We have a new resident who is willing to volunteer some Saturdays.
Summer Reading Program
→ Dates/Times: Don’t want times to conflict with swimming lessons or school’s summer program. → Outdoor Move Showings: we no longer have a license with the movie company to show movies outdoors for free; the school does have a license, so we could possibly partner with PTO or another school-based organization, OR we could buy a license (we are getting a quote of cost)
DeRuyter Fair
→ Book Sale: Need volunteers
→ Parade: We plan to participate
Future Board Meeting Dates
→ 2nd Wednesday of the month, every other month (the “odd” numbered months) at 6:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None
Motion–Julie 2nd–Heidi
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Executive Session
Officer Vote
April 7, 2021
Attendance Taken–Heidi, Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Kate, Maurine, and Julie in attendance. PROPOSITION:
Electing/Re-electing Officers
-President (new): Jennifer Jones
-Vice President (continuing): Maurine Brown
-Secretary (continuing): Kate Meigs
-Treasurer (new): Heidi Ouderkirk
Heidi is the current President and Interim Treasurer; she cannot remain in both positions.
Heidi nominated Jenn as President; 2nd by Julie
→ Proposition approved (7-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
Julie nominated Heidi as Treasurer; 2nd by Maurine
→ Proposition approved (7-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
Motion–Julie; 2nd–Heidi
Next Meeting: May 26, 2021 at 6:00 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 25, 2021
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, and Julie in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved February Minutes and Profit and Loss Statement.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats.
→Circulation is steady, including SORA and online programs.
Electing/Re-Electing Officers
→ As interim treasurer, Heidi cannot continue to hold the office of President. We will hold a special meeting to vote on Wednesday, April 7th at 1:30 p.m.
-President (new): Jennifer Jones
-Vice President (continuing): Maurine Brown
-Secretary (continuing): Kate Meigs
-Treasurer (new): Heidi Ouderkirk
Volunteer Survey: Brittney reviewed results
→ Only received a few responses; responses received were very favorable
Building Maintenance Concerns
→ Committee Creation: committee will attend town board meetings & monitor building maintenance needs; Jenn and Julie volunteered; Heidi is creating a schedule for town board meeting attendance → Elevator broke again on March 22nd
→ Leaks: Soap dispenser and toilet in patron’s bathroom are leaking; reported several months ago; no responses
Motion–Jenn 2nd–Julie
Next Meeting: April 7, 2021 at 1:30 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 25, 2021
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Jennifer, Amanda, Brittney, Julie, Maurine, and Kate in attendance. Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed proposed budget and financial statements from the past year.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats.
→Our patron numbers have recovered back to normal levels
→ Audiobook and ebook checkout has increased
→ Internet use is high, demonstrating use during pandemic, even from the parking lot. → RB Digital (magazines) is now integrated with Libby
→ DCS Overdrive/SORA is now integrated into library system so students can check-out mid-york materials without a library card.
→ We are still amending the bylaws; a copy will be available for review when finished. Code of Ethics
→ We have one on file; each of use need to sign it and return to Amanda for our records. Financial Advisor
→ Heidi and Julie have scheduled a meeting with the NBT financial advisor
→ Advisor is reviewing our Edward Jones information
Summer Reading Program
→ Planning outdoor activities
→ Shortened from typical timespan
Rent Request
→ Town Supervisor approached Amanda personally to request $100/month rent
→ We currently pay ⅓ of building utilities
–NBT bank, new rent-paying entity, is not contributing to utilities? (If so, we would/should pay ¼
of utilities; furthermore, the bank is open many more hours than the library and therefore uses more utilities)
→ We need a formal written request, and a possible meeting with the town supervisor → How do we establish procedure?
→ Possibility: Annual grant for building upkeep–$1,000
→ We have significant concerns about building maintenance
–Light bulbs blown for 4+ months (reported, but not remedied)
–Snow removal not timely (parking and sidewalk)
–Ice build-up on roof (unsafe)
→ We need to speak to past board members and experts (Marianne Marr; Gerald Wood, etc.) Budget: Vote to approve the 2021 budget
→ Motion–Julie; 2nd–Brittney; Vote Approved (7–Yes; 0–No; 0–Abstentions)
Motion–Julie; 2nd–Heidi
Executive Session to Follow this Meeting.
Next Meeting: March 25, 2021 at 5:30 pm
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 11, 2021
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Jennifer, Maurine, Amanda, Brittney, Julie, and Kate in attendance. Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats.
→Circulation numbers are increased; circulation total is higher than last year at this time (pre-COVID and
despite elevator being currently broken).
→Significant amount of time has been allocated to “weeding” and relabeling entire sections.
Town Utility Bill: reached out to try to make payment; have not yet gotten a response.
Bylaws: Need to be updated; Amanda will reach out to other directors seeking models of bylaws. New Members Approved
→ Motion–Kate; 2nd–Maurine (5-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
Amending Meeting Dates/Times: Every 2 months at 5:30 pm
→ Motion–Heidi; 2nd–Amanda (7-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
Amending Bylaws: Director, President, and Treasurer can sign checks
→ Motion–Jenn; 2nd–Kate (7-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
Annual Vote on Director’s Salary–September Board Meeting
Budget: Madison County numbers are staying the same (giving library the same amount as last year) Banking and Investments
→ We operate with two banks–why?
→ NBT Bank is very convenient (in building); explore options for switching banks to NBT → Investments: Reach current representative to understand investment opportunities → Investments: Contact NBT financial advisor to explore options
New Hours
→ Mon, Tues, Thurs 9-5 (what Amanda is currently paid for→ 24 hours total; she works much more) → Want to shift saturdays’ hours
→ Open 5 days per week: feasible? Realistic?
→ Need better ways to recruit volunteers
Motion–Heidi; 2nd–Jennifer
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 7, 2020
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Jennifer, Maurine, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved March Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved March-November Minutes.
Director’s Report–Amanda briefly reviewed programming and stats from the year 2020.
→We have been able to remain open (after reopening post-state closure)
→ No programming is occurring due to COVID restrictions and cold weather
→ Numbers are low by about 200 (due to COVID circumstances and elevator)
→ Digital resources steady; BOCES and SORA have combined for 6-12 students so they don’t need
their library cards to access MidYork resources.
Reviewing year’s reports
Budget: We do not know what the year will bring, so we will use last year’s initial budget and adjust the school tax numbers when we receive them.
→ PPE is placed under “equipment” or “cleaning supplies” categories
→ Elevator: $25,000 damage from roof leak 2 years ago; town pays that expense
→According to MidYork, we’ve never done a true inventory, so we are planning to do so soon.
→Amanda has weeded out a ton of old books to make room on the shelves.
Minimum Standards
→ Some standards are changing, so Amanda is being trained through MidYork on the changes; we are
updating our documents and plans to be in compliance with the standards.
Board Member Updates and Changes
→ Maurine: Term ending; volunteered to serve another term
→ Amy: Served two terms, leaving Board of Directors; we are very grateful for her service to the library
and community!
→ Seeking new board members; asking some people who have shown interest in the past.
→ Need a new treasurer so positions may shift.
Motion–Amanda; 2nd–Maurine
Next Meeting: TBD based on new membership
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 9, 2020
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Jennifer, Maurine, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved January Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved January and February Minutes.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from January and February.
→Jan: This month typically shows a spike in number of patrons and circulation
→Feb: Numbers returned to more typical range
→Feb: “Drop-in” events (or “passive programming”) is successful because people do not have to attend
an event at a particular time to participate; available for a more open time span
–Have always had these events after storytime, but are beginning to offer others.
→Feb: Storytime is consistently successful
Computers: Determined that the number of patrons using the PCs and the types of uses do not require an
upgrade in machines/models; Amanda updated all browsers to stay up-to-date.
LEGO Wall: Found a solution; voted to approve purchase
→ Motion–Amy, Second–Heidi (vote: 6-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
DVD Storage: Solved the problem without buying any new storage; using the drawers behind the desk, drawer
dividers, and newly-divided DVD holders.
Floor Refinishing: Needed by computer area
Replacement Windows: ordered and delivered; next step is the physical replacement (we pay for labor)
Cleanliness/Health Precautions: Cleaning tables, keyboards, toys, and other “high traffic” objects frequently;
hand sanitizers and tissues available on multiple tables around the library.
Safety Concerns:
→ Snow removal: not consistently or properly being completed by the town
→ New Bank Facility Downstairs: the bank and library hours do not always align, and we have no way
to secure the library (the old staircase and elevator are not secured) when library is closed; we are going
to bring our concerns to the Interim Town Supervisor.
Motion–Heidi; 2nd–Jennifer
Next Meeting: May 18, 2020
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 27, 2020
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Jennifer, Maurine, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved November Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved December Minutes.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from November and December.
→Nov: Story Time numbers have been increasing significantly.
→Nov: Patron count has balanced out to typical numbers (Halloween inflated October’s numbers)
→Dec: Paired with DCS elementary for Cards for Troops program; sent over 100 cards
→Dec: Circulation and patron numbers increased from previous month
Computers–pricing out options; searching for an inexpensive solution; researched what MidYork is using (and
the models’ specifications)
Purchases Made:
-Printer/Fax Machine
-Playset for Children’s Room
-Magazine Rack
2020 Budget–Reviewed and approved
→ Motion–Amy; Second–Heidi (vote: 6-Yes; 0-No; 0-Abstentions)
→ The library received six donations and will be sending thank you cards for the generosity of each.
Motion–Amy; 2nd–Jennifer
Next Meeting: March 9, 2020
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 18, 2019
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Jennifer, Maurine, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved September Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Reviewed and approved September and October Minutes.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from September and October.
→Sept: Story Time numbers are up; about 4-5 families/childcare groups
→Sept: Circulation returned to normal after typical “end-of-summer” slump
→Oct: Adult craft night very successful; filled 12 spots in 3 days; about $60 for materials, so we are
considering financing options, including craft swaps, donation jar, etc.
→Oct: Halloween movie and craft night was well-attended
→Oct: Circulation numbers are consistent
Computers–speaking to Executive Director of Mid York next week (Director is visiting to check in, meet with
our Director, and perform a needs-assessment.)
Printer–Office needs new printer/fax machine (troubleshooting work has been unsuccessful)
Code Blue Warming Site–agreed to be a site for Madison County again this year
Budget Considerations
→Income and expenses have remained fairly consistent, so the budget will also remain consistent, with
the exception of the funding allotted to the following categories.
-Library Director Salary: Approved (unanimously) an increase in the Director’s Salary from
$20,000 to $22,000).
-Books and Periodicals: Approved (unanimously) $4,500 (was $8,800)
-Programs: Approved (unanimously) $4,500 (was $2,309)
→ Budget Vote: We will vote in January on the finalized budget numbers.
Purchase Approvals
→Computers and Printer/Fax Machine: Approved (unanimously) up to $2,000 for the purchase of 4 computers and one printer/fax machine
→Playset: Approved (unanimously) up to $130 for the new Children’s Room playset
→Magazine Rack: Approved (unanimously) up to $110 for a new magazine display
→Other Expenses: Discussion of the following anticipated expenses
-Repairs/Maintenance: carpet cleaning, window repair
-Children’s Room Carpet: Need to purchase a more durable, waterproof carpet
-DVD Storage: A larger media cabinet is needed; we are seeking solutions
Motion–Amy; 2nd–Heidi
Next Meeting: January 13, 2020
→ Rescheduled to January 27th
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 9, 2019
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Jennifer, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved June Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Book Sale at the DeRuyter Fair was very successful in moving books, but only earned
$409.25 ($200 less than last year).
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from June, July, and August.
→ July had 616 total patrons at 15 events.
→ Circulation up by 257 without using reading logs or requiring reading for summer reading program
→ First use of online sign-ups (34 people made use of it)
→ Did not split meetings by age groups; all ages together was very successful
→ Lots of compliments on program this year, particularly on student engagement
→ Back to typical schedule and events this month
→ Already planning for Halloween party (usually one of the fall’s most attended events)
Volunteers–We don’t want to ask too much of the people we have, but we have had to close early on many days due to lack of volunteers.
→ Planning to advertise more widely and frequently.
Hot Spots–Other libraries in the area are trying mobile hotspots for sign out by patrons (about $28 per hotspot)
→ Considering meeting with representative to test out service.
Children’s Room Trash Can–Buying a larger receptacle
Structural Repairs/Maintenance Issues–Amanda will make a list of needed repairs.
Motion–Amy; 2nd–Heidi
Next Meeting November 18, 2019
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 10, 2019
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Maurine, Jennifer, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved March Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–April’s Report (unavailable last mtg) was sent by email; May report shows we may be
budgeting too much in the Copies & Fax category.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from May.
→ Star wars party had high attendance.
→ Popcorn machine was well-received at LEGO movie showing
→ Craft Night for Adults had no attendance this month
→ Walk and Talk Book Club cancelled due to rain; will take place next month
→ June 29th at 12:00 is the Summer Reading kick-off event
→ Overdrive hit 200 checkouts this month for the first time ever
LEGO Wall: Still exploring options
DVD Storage: Cannot find a suitable storage container that will fit our designated area.
Wall Hangings–Will mount TV to wall before Summer Reading kick-off
Planetarium–Spent $500 for portable planetarium visit (July 29 at 11:00 am)
Children’s Section Books–Beginning the inventory process
Teen Volunteers for Summer–Currently accepting volunteers
Adult Volunteers–Need more volunteers, specifically for Saturdays (lost one volunteer this month)
Volunteer Rewards–Want to show our appreciation twice per year (Christmas and summer)
Thursday Movies–all summer
Summer Reading Program–incentives offered include raffle tickets (Kindle Fire drawing at the end of summer);
free books, free kids’ meals at Chipotle, and a finale party.
Motion–Jenn; 2nd–Amy
Next Meeting September 9, 2019
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 13, 2019
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Maurine, Jennifer, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved March Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Not available; will review at next month’s mtg.
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from April.
→ Morning story time, Erie Canal Presentation, and LEGO Club/Easter Activities were most popular.
→ Book club for adults will be move back to afternoon time slot due to higher attendance in afternoon
→ New upcoming event: Walk & Talk Book Club
LEGO Wall: Shipping fee was too high with current library supply company; exploring other options
Tax Cap and Library Budget: We increased the budget as much as is allowed, but the actual increase in dollars is minimal; it is the same for the tax cap–the percentage is increasing, but the actual dollar increase is minimal.
Motion–Jenn; 2nd–Maurine
Next Meeting June 10, 2019
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 15, 2019
Heidi Ouderkirk called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken–Heidi, Amy, Maurine, Jennifer, Amanda, and Kate in attendance.
Secretary’s Report–Reviewed and approved March Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report–Amy presented and approved expenditures.
→ Now using Quickbooks for finances
Director’s Report–Amanda reviewed programming and stats from March.
→ LEGO Club is growing
→ Family evening storytime is just starting but building an audience.
→ Events for every day of Spring Break
→ Would like to send a $50 donation to the Erie Canal Museum as a “thank you” for the
presentation “The Marvel of Mules on the Erie Canal.
→ Would like to implement outdoor movies
Survey Results: Geneology (No), DeRuyter History Programs (In-Progress), Evening Story Time
(Implemented), Healthy Eating, Adult Craft (Implemented), Student Art Show (In
Cleaning–Removal of old bulletin board and cleaning tools in hallway
Little Free Library–Being placed at Big M
Wool Spinning Classes–will be offered for free
Surplus Ideas:
–TV and DVD Player (~$350) [Yes]
–Popcorn Maker (~$100-150) [Yes]
–Rent a Slide ($350)–End of Summer Reading Program [Hold]
–DVD Storage ($800) [Hold]
New Purchase: LEGO Wall (~650) [Motion–Amy; 2nd–Heidi; Vote–6 Yes]
Motion–Amy; 2nd–Maurine
Next Meeting May 13, 2019
March 12, 2018
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Annual meeting.
Attendance taken – All present.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report was presented for both January and
February. Approved.
Director’s Report- Book club time was discussed to possibly open up to new attendees; working professionals
could attend a later evening session. Upcoming events: Create your Own Shamrock, Peep show, Pop-up Grocery
Tour, and Book Club. Also discussed changing the dates of the Defensive Driving course per patron request.
Gerald’s Idea- Work is underway- Contractor Peter Vervaet is working on building the shelves.
Drop Box- Aurora presented several options yet measurements of door swing delay vote of purchase. Aurora will
present again next meeting.
Book of Donations- Needs updating, Heidi will update through current.
Heidi made a motion to adjourn, 2 nd by Amy.
Next meeting April 9, 2018
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
March 12, 2018
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken ~ All present.
The minutes of the 2017 annual meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Overall expenses less than budgeting while
income was higher.
Election of Board Members – No new members to elect at this time.
Jean Whalen has finished her second five year terms. We sincerely thank her for her service and
wish her well.
The Slate of officers for 2018 was presented as follows:
Amy Downs President
Maurine Brown Vice President
Pat Finnie Treasurer
Heidi Ouderkirk Secretary
Jennifer made a motion to accept change in officers, Jean offered second.
Heidi made a motion to adjourn, 2 nd by Pat.
Respectfully Submitted,
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 11, 2017
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All Present
Secretary’s Report- Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Attendance year over year has increased
tremendously, 81 more patrons November 2017 vs 2016 and
circ is up by 320. 170 Cards were created for the Cards for
Troops Program in November. Upcoming events are School library field trip, Canal Boat Program, Charlie Brown
Christmas Tree ornament Contest, and Book Club (The Christmas List)
2018 Budget- reviewed as written. Broke into Executive committee to discuss merit increase, approved increase
and adjusted budget accordingly. Jean made motion to approve, 2 nd by Heidi, all in favor.
Library Director Evaluation: Broke into Executive committee to discuss financial impact to budget for merit
increase to start in January. Also discussed general tone of evaluation, areas of opportunity along with overall
annual successes.
Wood Floors: Tabled until installation of a 220 outlet. No updates
Drop Box/Shelving Donation: In process of obtaining quote for Shelving in history room- two local contractors
coming this week. Also reviewing drop box options.
Volunteer Appreciation Holiday Bonus: Agreed to purchase $10 Big M gift certificates as token of appreciation to
our volunteers.
Board Term sheets reviewed. Jean Whalen’s term expires in February 2018. Brief discussion of recruitment of
additional board members.
Jean made a motion to adjourn, 2 nd by Pat.
Next meeting January 8, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 13, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All Present
Secretary’s Report- Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report- Pat made some changes within investment
portfolio to minimize loss. Reviewed income/expense for
Director’s report – Circ broke 1000 mark at 1081! Overall
another excellent month! Preschool story time is doing very well- double the numbers of last year. Upcoming
events are Saga program, Sensory Play, Pop Up Grocery Tour, and Book Club. Cards for Troops has three dates
this November and the high school Honor Society will be participating.
Library Director Evaluation: Amy and Aurora will meet to share feedback.
2018 Budget: discussed each category, some suggested changes. Bring to next meeting for vote.
Wood Floors: Tabled until installation of a 220 outlet.
Drop Box/Shelving Donation: Aurora presented a few options she was able to find online reasonably priced. Jean
and Aurora will talk to a local craftsperson about the opportunity to have one made local, get an estimate on cost
associated. Shelving is still awaiting additional estimates.
Charter- Received confirmation that will be complete and effective January 2018.
Easy Reader- Aurora would like to present books in different manner such as a plastic display case to make them
easier to find and shelve.
New Member- Pat made nomination to add Jennifer Jones (DCS librarian) to the Board of Directors, Jean Whalen
2nd. Jennifer Jones agreed to serve.
Heidi Ouderkirk made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen.
Next meeting December 11, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 16, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Pat Finnie Missing
Secretary’s Report- Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report- Treasurer not in attendance at meeting; will provide updated numbers via email.
Director’s report – Overall a successful month. Aurora has several events this month such as Dementia Program, Bell Witch presentation, and several events for Halloween such as an Escape Box, crafts, and trick or treating. Aurora shared Tax Cap information with Board. September had great attendance for Preschool Story Time, 41 children and 24 adults.
Library Director Evaluation- On hold, awaiting completion of questionnaire by all.
Wood Floors: Tabled until installation of a 220 outlet. Dan Degear agreed that next time an electrician was in building, he would have an outlet installed.
CD/DVD cleaner has arrived and works great.
2017 Budget- On hold – Treasurer absent
Drop Box- Gerald proposed donation to the American Legion for flag destruction holding place. Logistics and cost involved discussed with purchasing a new book drop. Several options were presented and Aurora and Jean are going to research to present next meeting.
Shelving in History Room- Awaiting estimates
Board development- Discussed potential new Board member
Library of the Year- Awards Dinner at Red Mill October 19, 2017- Amy, Aurora, and Jean will attend.
Amy Downs made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen.
Next meeting November 13, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
September 11, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance Taken: Missing Heidi Ouderkirk.
Secretary’s Report – minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – approved as presented.
Director’s Report – patron and circulation numbers were down, September events include: rock painting, Jeff Glave art show, book club.
Old Business:
Gerald gave us the name of Peter Vervat as a contractor for the shelves in the history room. Aurora to contact Peter for a quote.
EZ Pass would only be a $4 profit per pass sold. The passports would be $25 profit. Aurora will keep working on these to make sure we have all the details.
DeRuyter Library shirts can be given as a gift with a donation of $12 or more. This credit/expense will be listed under advertising.( per accountant advisement)
New Business:
Preliminary Budget – briefly discussed some increases (book purchases, postage,Madison County and Library Services contributions), decreases ( travel). Will discuss details next month.
Changes next meeting date to the 16th. Normal meeting falls on Columbus Day and the library is closed.
DVD/CD cleaner- board approved the purchase for $134.99. All in favor. Will charge $1 per CD/DVD for patrons.
Library Director Evaluation – everyone will fill one out and return to Amy ( including Aurora). Amy will meet with the board and Aurora to discuss the evaluations.
Jeff Glave art show – scheduled for 9/23.
Reusable vs plastic bags with logo. Aurora to get some more options and get back to the board. Leaning towards reusable bags.
Adjournment: 1st Pat Finnie 2nd Jean Whalen
Next Meeting October 16th
Submitted by: Amy Downs
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 14, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken: Missing Heidi Ouderkirk.
Secretary’s Report – minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report – approved as presented.
Director’s report – patron numbers were up and circulation numbers were down. August events include: SRP, pop up grocery tour, book sale at the fair and Alzheimer’s Association presentation.
Book sale was a huge success. All the books leftover have been boxed and are waiting to be shipped to Better World Books. Our profit this year was $570.
Ezpass and passports on hold for now.
DFL volunteer t shirts: Volunteers have gotten their shirts. They are some leftover. We can sell the remaining shirts for $13-15 depending on the size.
NYS Family Paid Leave Act – ok to start deductions now. Information sheet included in the meeting packet.
New purchases for story hour – New format for Aurora to use. Boxed themes prepared ahead of time.
Charter paperwork needs to be resigned and resubmitted. Some of the wording needed to be changed in order for the document to read the same throughout.
Library director review – will start the review process at the next meeting.
Aurora has asked that the credit card limit be raised to $1000.00 instead of $500 per month. The board agreed. Amy to contact the bank.
Mid York has a traveling collection for the kid/junior/ya/classics areas. Aurora to get more details for the next meeting.
Adjournment: 1st Jean Whalen 2nd Maurine Brown
Next Meeting: September 11th
Submitted by: Amy Downs
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 10,2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance was taken: Missing Jean Whalen and Heidi Ouderkirk.
Secretary’s Report – minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report- approved as presented.
Director’s Report- Patron numbers were up but circulation was down. July events planned include: SRP, AARP driving course and Eli Celata book talk and signing.
Still waiting on a complete quote for the shelving in the Historical Room.
Shirts with library logo have been ordered. The changing table is here. The new computers have been ordered. ( this ended up being $251 instead of $230)
Aurora is still looking into the EZ Pass information. ( for the library to sell EZ Pass)
Jeff Glave is preparing for an art show. Will have details at the next meeting.
A sign up sheet for the fair booth will be printed up and made available. Set up will be Thursday starting at 9:00. The library will be closed that day due to the set up process. Pat will get the cash box ready. Mid York will have a “ pop up library” set up 1 of the days of the fair. Amy to verify with Danita about the library space in the Wood building.
Adjournment: Pat made a motion and 2nd by Maurine.
Next Meeting: August 14, 2017
Submitted by Amy Downs
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 12, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken: Missing: Jean Whalen and Heidi Ouderkirk
Secretary’s report- minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report- approved as presented.
Director’s report – patron number was down from last month, but circulation number up. June events include: Arbonne, make a kite, Citizens Bank, book club, summer reading program and an author visit.
A new contractor ( Matt Mattot) is coming to give us an estimate for the additional shelving in the History Room.
Charter is in final stages of being done.
Drift In certificate for the volunteers will be handed out this week. Certificates are valid for 1 sundae or flurry.
New computer purchase- Aurora has done the research for 2 new computers. Based on this research, the Acer Chromebox is the best option for the library. Specifications are included in the meeting package. Cost is $230 per computer.
Baby changing table purchase – It has been brought up several times that it would be helpful to have a changing table in the library. Based on research and discussion, a basic wooden changing table with shelves will be the best option for our needs. Specifications are included in the meeting package.
Library t- shirts with logo- Aurora has gotten a quote for the t-shirts. This quote is included in the meeting package. Our cost would range from $6.50-$9.00 per shirt. The shirts would be for volunteers initially. We discussed using the shirts as a fund raiser as well. We would order a few extras to be used for SRP as well.
EZ Pass- Aurora is still gathering information on selling the EZ Pass in the library.
Passport acceptance facility. Aurora to look into the possibility of offering the public the option of accepting passport paperwork here at the library.
SRP- Six weeks of SRP are planned. Multiple groups have agreed to participate this year, including: DeRuyter Co-op, DeRuyter FFA – Ag Classes, DeRuyter Fire Department, Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Adjournment: Pat made a motion, 2nd by Maurine.
Next meeting July 10, 2017.
Submitted by Amy Downs
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 15, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All Present.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Chairs for computer desk have been purchased. Annual taxes have been filed.
Director’s report – Overall a successful month. Upcoming events: May the 4th Be With You (May 4), Erica Bailey Art Show (May 6th), Citizens Bank Workshops (May 9th, May 11th), School Budget Vote (May 16th), Make your Own Playdough (May 23rd), Book Club (May 25th)
Shelves in History Room- No updates from contractors- Aurora is going to continue to continue to pursue an estimate.
DeRuyter Library Charter- Received confirmation of completion. Payment will be remitted to receive final copy.
Flooring in the Library- On schedule for September, will need to be closed for three days.
Volunteer Recognition- Board determined to recognize our wonderful volunteers we will mail them Drift In Gift Certificates yet again this year. Amy will reach out to Randy Wood to coordinate purchase.
E-Z Pass in Library- Aurora would like to explore the option to offer the purchase/set-up of E-Z Pass within the Library. She will look further into it.
Midyork Construction Grant- Amy and Aurora attended a conference to learn more about the Construction Grant offered by Midyork- Suggested we apply for grant funds to complete the History Room Shelving project. We would need proof we are able to pay for half of the estimated project and MidYork will cover the other half of the expense. Awaiting construction estimate.
In Memory of Donations- Future use was discussed and determined that In Memory Book/Journal needs to be updated. Will discuss further in reference to donation funds use, ideas presented, while Aurora will update the Book.
Pat Finnie made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen.
Next meeting June 12, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 10, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Pat Finnie and Maurine Brown absent
Secretary’s Report- minutes approved as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Influx of donations in memory of community members.
Director’s report – Preschool attendance increased from last year. Upcoming events: Easter Egg Coloring (April 6th), Citizens Bank Workshops (April 11th & 13th), Squishy Circuits (April 20th), Book Club (April 27th)
Shelves in History Room- No updates from contractors- Amy will check with Gerald regarding status.
DeRuyter Library Charter- Draft was completed and suggested edits have been submitted. Aurora has reached out several times unsuccessfully- no update as of yet.
Chairs Update- Previously approved chairs’ shipping exceeded budget for purchase- will reconsider alternative options such as brick and mortar furniture stores or substitute online stores. Hope to bring
Coat Rack- Three options presented for volunteer and patron usage. Option two with the Black finish and umbrella holder selected and approved.
Flooring- Estimate received for dustless floor repair. Board approved purchase. Amy will reach out to the contractor to schedule start date.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Heidi Ouderkirk
Next meeting May 15, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 13, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed- one correction needed and updated in reference to Saturday hours listed vs extended. Approved with correction.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming Events: March 16th Create your Own Shamrock Magnet/Pin, March 21st Peep Show, March 30th Book Club Edible Mystery’s
Shelves in History Room- No updates from contractors
DeRuyter Library Charter- Draft was completed and suggested edits have been submitted. Awaiting final status.
Board Development- recruitment of new board members once Charter is updated will be essential.
Chairs Update- Computer chairs will be ordered this month and sitting chairs are awaiting delivery.
Pat Finnie made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen
Next meeting April 10, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 23, 2017
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and
accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. We greatly
appreciate Gerald’s years of dedication and service.
Director’s report – Upcoming Events: Blind Date with a Book February 1st -28th, Love Your Library Board Event February 1st-28th, Make Your Own Valentine February 9th, Card Game Extravaganza February 21st, Book Club February 23rd. Senior Tax Prep was cancelled. Annual report completed and filed.
Sincere thank you to Gerald Wood and Bert Ufford as their terms expire.
Comfort chairs have been ordered and awaiting arrival. Aurora presented several options for computer desk chairs- the ‘Library wood chair’ was agreed upon- 10 chairs will be ordered.
Shelves in the History room – Still awaiting an estimate by subcontractor, Dan Ashcraft. Also discussed display for primary donor.
Changing Hours of the Library- It was agreed to change the library hours, after review of historic stats. New library hours affected are Thursdays the removal of the 7pm-9pm slot yet increasing from 9:00-7:00. Also the extension of Saturday hours to 1pm. This change will be implemented on March 1st. Volunteers will be notified of changes by Aurora.
Magnets will need to be ordered now that hours have been changed with new logo.
Logo- Four options were reviewed and historic honored logo was selected.
DeRuyter Free Library Charter: A discrepancy within our Library charter versus our library’s bylaws was found when completing the Annual Report- the Charter states we are to have five voting members while the Bylaws state 7. It was agreed upon that Aurora will look into changing the Charter to increase our board capacity to seven voting members.
Pat Finnie made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen
Next meeting March 13, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Ouderkirk
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 9, 2017
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –.Amy Downs and Heidi Ouderkirk absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Gerald stated that we have received the money from the DCS proposition.
Director’s report – Upcoming events Jan. 26th , Photo 101 with Elena Haskins, and Book Club.
Wood floors by computers – No update as yet
Gerald presented some sample chair gliders he got from Dick Smith, for our consideration, to be installed on the bottom of chair legs to help prevent further damage. Aurora has also done some research into these and will present her findings at the next Board meeting. This purchase has been tabled for now.
Comfortable chairs – Gerald brought more fabric sample for us to choose from as our other choice was no longer available.
Shelves in the History room – Gerald will contact Matt about his availability for building these and obtain an estimate from him for the work.
Library magnets – This has been tabled for now as Aurora is working on a new logo for the library.
Changing Library hours – Tabled for now. We need to get numbers of users for the hours in which changes are being considered before changing. Some ideas for changes were – no longer having the 7 to 9 pm slot on Thursday but instead staying open til 7 pm like on Tuesdays, also extending the Saturday hours 9 am to 1pm.
We discussed possible names for new Board Members.
Bert Ufford made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Gerald Wood
Next meeting February 13, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 12, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Pat Finnie absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming events – Board Game Extravaganza 12/27 all day, Book Club 12/29 1pm.
Wood Floors – Gerald tried to contact Matt Lagoe about what is the best way to refinish the floor but didn’t connect with him. Gerald will try again.
Comfortable Chairs – Gerald contacted Dick Smith and brought fabric samples for us to choose from. Gerald will contact Dick again to see about getting two separate chairs in the chosen fabric and a price for the purchase. The purchase of new computer chairs has been tabled for now, Gerald will as Dick if there are other choices available.
Aurora has been contacted by an Ithaca college student who has requested an intern position at the Library for the month of January. This will be at no cost to the Library. The Intern will take part in improving our social media and may also do photography program for our patrons.
Charging Station – Ebsco will provide a free charging station for our patrons use. This will allow patron to charge items such as phones, i-pads, kindles, etc..
Gerald suggested we have some more bookshelves built to be put in the History room under the windows, and that we have Matt Lagoe do the construction as he built the others.
We need new Board members as Gerald and Bert’s term end in February. Please bring suggestions for new members to our next meeting.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Maurine Brown
Next meeting January 9, 2017
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 14, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Heidi Ouderkirk and Maurine Brown absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming events – 11-19 Party for Jean Browngart, 11/29, 12/1 & 12/3 Cards for Troops,
Book Club 12/1 and 12/29.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adopt the 2017 proposed budget, 2nd by Pat Finnie. Motion passed unanimously.
Wood Floors – Gerald will contact Matt Lagoe about what is the best way to refinish the floor.
Comfortable Chairs – Gerald did contact Dick Smith but hasn’t heard back from him yet. Gerald will contact him again.
Jean’s Party – set up will take place at 1:30 pm. Party is from 2-4 pm on November 19th.
Knots of Love- The program will continue with a new co-ordinator taking over for Rose.
Coffee – The Board is still against the idea of having coffee served in the Library.
Amy Downs made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Gerald Wood
Next meeting December 12, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 17, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Paint Night with Erica Bailey, Oct. 20th, 7pm, Book Club Oct. 27th. New service that is being offered by MidYork, Envision ware for wireless printing. The cost of this service would be $500 per year. Aurora will bring more information on this for our next meeting.
Wood floors by computer area – Gerald suggested we contact Matt LaGoe about what finish was used on the floors during reconstruction.
Paper Towel/Soap dispenser for Children’s room – The Board approved the purchase of these items from Amazon.
Comfortable chairs for the library- Gerald will contact Dick Smith to see if chairs matching the sofa can be purchased, and also for computers.
Board Member terms – Gerald Wood and Bert Ufford terms are up in February 2017. Names of possible replacement board members were discussed.
The 2017 Budget to be voted on in November was the focus of the remainder of the meeting.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Pat Finnie
Next meeting November 14, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 8, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Programs going well. SRP ends this week. Story hour with Danita Kinner “Seashore”8/15/16, Paint Night with Erica 8/25/16.
DeRuyter Firemen’s Fair – If available please meet at the Library at 9 am on Thursday, August 11 to load books to be taken to and set up at the Fair. Cash box will once again be kept in the Main Headquarters building when sale is closed. Aurora will print price lists to hang at the Fair. Prices will be the same as in the past. Paperback 25¢ each or 5 for $1.00, Hardcovers $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. With fill a bag sale on Sunday.
The Library will be closed all day August 11th, please come and see us at the Fair.
Lap top purchase – The laptop will purchased through MidYork and will be sent to us when everything has been installed and ready for use.
Gerald will check with Randy, at the Drift In before our next meeting to pay for volunteer certificates.
MidYork Library Board – We have been requested to nominate someone to become a member of the MidYork Library Board. Aurora will check with Maryann Marr to see if she is interested and then put out an e-mail to all volunteers to see if there is and interest there.
Heidi Ouderkirk made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford
Next meeting September 12, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 9, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Julie McIntosh absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Programs going well. SRP starts next week. Erica may have another Paint Night in August.
New Laptop purchase – Aurora presented a couple of options for purchase. She will check with MidYork to see if the one chosen meets the requirements and then go ahead with purchase. Jean Whalen made a motion to purchase new laptop 2nd by Bert Ufford. Motion passed unanimously.
Joyce McMasters has requested a written request for removal of the Tioughnioga Lake Association and Tioughnioga Lake Preservation Foundation’s file cabinet. Amy Downs will compose and mail the requested letter.
It is with much sadness that we accept the resignation of Board member Julie McIntosh. We thank her for her service and wish her well. Jean Whalen made a motion to nominate Pat Finnie to fill the Board vacancy and finish Julie’s term, 2nd by Heidi Ouderkirk. Motion passed unanimously. Welcome our current volunteer, Pat, and thank you for joining our Board of Trustees.
Fair Book Sale – Set up for the fair will be Thursday morning 8/11/16. Amy Downs will contact Danita to reserve our space in the Wood building. Gerald asked that we get about 40 shipping boxes for Better World Books before the end of the fair to make the removal process easier. Aurora will put out a sign-up sheet at the Circ desk for volunteers to sign up to cover 2- hour time slots at the fair.
Gerald suggested a new program – Pokemon.
Gerald Wood made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Amy Downs
Next meeting August 8, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 13, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Julie McIntosh, Heidi Ouderkirk absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Lake Association File Cabinet – We welcomed Carol Jeschke and Joyce McMaster to our meeting. These ladies spoke to us about what would be kept in the file cabinet located currently in the History room and who would have access to it, along with giving us some background information about each of their respective entities (Tioughnioga Lake Preservation Foundation and Tioughnioga Lake Association). After careful consideration, it was decided unanimously that the due to space constraints for our own items we would ask to have the cabinet removed. If we can’t house things for the all other individual groups, in all fairness, we can’t do it for one.
New Laptop purchase – Aurora will get quotes form Mid York for next month’s meeting.
Yard Sale – The DeRuyter Town Sales date is set for July 9th. We will have our usual book table set up for donations and may have extended hours for the day.
SRP Schedule – Mon. Pre School July 11th – August 8th, Tues., July 12th – August 9th, 1st grade – 3rd grade @ 9:30-10:30, and 4th grade – 6th grade @ 11:00-12:00
Library proposition results – 5/17/2016 public vote were 174 yes votes and 32 no votes, the proposition passed by 84%.
We were featured on New York Upstate, Facebook page. Gerald will conduct a tour of the Library for Alumni weekend.
Gerald Wood made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen
Next meeting July 11, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 9, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted with a few minor changes. Changes were to last name spelling and title for Carol Jeschke and last name spelling for Ray Schwock. As we were unaware that there are two seperate entities concerning the Lake, (Tioughnioga Lake Association and Tioughnioga Lake Preservation Foundation) we mistakenly addressed Carol by the incorrect title.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Outside Bike Rack – Jean Whalen made a motion to purchase from Amazon an outside bike rack for $319.99, motion 2nd by Julie McIntosh. Motion passed unanimously.
Lake Association File Cabinet – Carol Jeschke could not make it to this month’s meeting will try to and attend June’s meeting.
990 Tax Form – Gerald reported that the 990 Tax form is complete and has been submitted. Ray Sschwock was able to complete this at a significant savings over the Bonidio Group. Ray & Co. does not digitalize our books, but we have the 990 copy. So far Gerlad has kept our books and statements anyways. Also, Ray issued a letter acknowledging, as accurate, our cash balance for 2015.
Volunteer recognition – Amy D. will contact Randy at the Drift In and see if it is okay to do certificates again this year for all volunteers for either a sundae or a flurry.
Maurine Brown made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford
Next meeting June 13, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 11, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order @ 7:05pm.
Attendance taken- Bert Ufford and Heidi Ouderkirk absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report presented and accepted. Expenditures for March were $ 2,942.16.
Director’s Report– Tax preparation programs have been a success as well as the St. Patrick’s shamrock making and the 7 entries for the Peep Show! Upcoming events: Earth Day Display all April, an additional Never Too Old Coloring Day to be held April 7th and 26th, and a Up Cycle program –turning old jeans or sweatshirt into something useful on 4/28. Stats were up from last month and our local artist, Erica Bailey, will be conducting a Paint Night on May 19th from 3-5pm to offer a basic watercolor class.
Old Business
Dan Degear has OK’ed a commercial bike rack for outside the main door. Carol Jeschke, from the Lake Preservation, met with Aurora about the file cabinet. No key has been found yet, but they wish to store more Lake Preservation files with Lake Association at the library (which can be digitized) and will give us a yearly donation. We will ask a representative to attend our next trustees meeting to clarify how much material they have and where we will store it.
New Business
1.The 990 needs to be filed in May. The representative from the Bonadio Group he has been working with left and Gerald contacted a new more economical company that can digitize his longhand accounts. Ray Schwock from New Woodstock as agreed to do this for us this year and all agreed to break from Bonadio at this time.
- National Library Week and Library workers Appreciation on April 19th.
- Material for the Budget Vote in May has been given to DCS.
- Discussion on how to add to the Historical Room the remaining Memorial plaques and pictures of significance we have left.
Adjournment– Motion to adjourn made by Julie McIntosh, 2nd by Gerald Wood @ 8:00pm
Next meeting May 9, 2016
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Whalen
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 14, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Julie McIntosh absent. We welcome our newest Board member Heidi Ouderkirk.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Gerald has sent our annual letter to the School requesting the Library proposition be added to the May budget vote.
Director’s report –Upcoming programs – Tax Prep 3rd day added for March 29th. Make and take a Shamrock pin or magnet 3/17, Peep Show 3/22.
Motion was made by Jean Whalen to adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy and Whistle-blower Policy with changes made, 2nd by Gerald Wood. Motion passed unanimously.
Outside Bike Rack – Amy D, will contact Dan Degear for approval and Aurora will present possible choices for approval.
Lake Association File Cabinet – Aurora will check with Maryanne about accessibility.
Scholastic Books – Aurora has purchased books with money credited to us from past sale. We now have 14 new items which include audio books, YA books and some graphic novels.
Gerald Wood made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Maurine Brown
Next meeting April 11, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
February 8, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken ~ Jean Whalen absent.
The minutes of the 2015 annual meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Election of Board Members –
Nancy Schlosser has finished her second five year term, we thank her for her service and wish her well. Nancy’s replacement will be Heidi Ouderkirk.
Gerald Wood has agreed to stay on for another year. Thanks Gerald.
The Slate of officers for 2016 was presented as follows:
Amy Downs President
Jean Whalen Vice President
Gerald Wood Treasurer
Bert Ufford Secretary
The secretary cast one ballet for the slate of officers.
Bert Ufford made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Gerald Wood.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 8, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Jean Whalen absent, Bert Ufford and Maurine Brown arrived late.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report –Upcoming programs – Make your own Valentine’s (2/11, all day), Senior Tax Prep 2/16 and 3/8, Board Game Extravaganza (2/18, all day), Knots of Love 2/23. And Book Club 2/25.
Piano – Names were put into a hat and the new owner of the piano is Shari Elliott.
At the recent DAC meeting Aurora attended it was advised that we develop the following policies, Conflict of Interest and Whistle Blower. Amy Downs and Aurora will work on the development of these policies and bring to the Board for final approval.
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser
Next meeting March 7, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 11, 2016
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Nancy Schlosser and Julie McIntosh absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. We will carry over a portion of the 2015 book budget into 2016. This is because of the change in personnel and the long wait period for a new credit card to be issued in Aurora’s name. No card made for no purchases and hence the money left in the budget for purchase of books.
Director’s report – Upcoming programs – 1/12 Lego Build, 1/21 Brain Teaser Trivia, 1/26 Knots of Love, 1/28 Book Club
Music Net – This service will continue for the month of January and then be done.
Piano – We can let it go to some needy home. Amy D. will contact Mrs. Stearns at school and see if she has a student in need of a piano. If no interest there we will then look to other areas for removal.
Purchasing Pen/Bookmarks that advertise the Library – We will not be going with the pushy salesperson that keeps contacting Aurora as we prefer to use local sources. Aurora will look into other providers and bring her findings to Board again.
Board member terms – Gerald has agreed to continue on for another year. Nancy Schlosser’s term is up, we will need to find a replacement for her position.
Our Annual meeting will take place before our regular meeting on February 8, 2016, at 7pm, immediately followed by our regular meeting.
Gerald Wood made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 14, 2015
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Jean Whalen absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming programs – Knots of Love 12/15, Volunteer Christmas Party 12/18, and National Card Playing Day 12/29
2016 Budget – Gerald and Aurora were able to complete and submit the required information for the State Comptroller online, and was it accepted as within the limits. Julie McIntosh made a motion to adopt the 2016 Budget as presented, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser. Motion passed unanimously.
Piano – Amy D will check with Amy C to see what direction to take.
Bulletin Board – Aurora presented several to choose from. Motion made by Julie McIntosh to purchase a 3’by4’ wooden frame bulletin board from Amazon, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser. Motion passed unanimously.
Laminate Machine – Aurora presented several to choose from. Motion made by Julie McIntosh to purchase a lamination machine from Amazon, 2nd by Amy Downs. Motion passed unanimously.
Coffee/Hot Tea – as decided previously, we will not make this a service we provide.
Music Net 2016 – we will not renew our service for this for 2016.
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser
Next meeting is on January 11, 2016.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 9, 2015
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 12, 2015
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken –Julie McIntosh and Maurine Brown absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
It is with deep regret that we say goodbye to Amy Curtis, a Farewell reception will be held on Saturday November 7th from 2-3pm. Set up will be at 1:30pm. Amy D., will get a sheet cake, Jean W will get punch, and Bert will make invitations and get paper products and utensils. We cannot thank Amy enough for all that she has done to make the Library what it is today and we wish her well in her next grand adventure.
We welcome our new Director Aurora Cookhouse, on Monday, October 19th. Aurora will be transitioning that week with Amy to take over on her own the following week. Amy C, has agreed to be on call as needed if questions or concerns arise.
Piano – What to do with the piano has been tabled for now.
CNY Living History Center- A member of the museum visited the library recently. They have requested to borrow our “Coat Hanger Plaque”. They would like to use this in a display at the museum for a School House exhibit. There will be a plaque with DeRuyter Free Library on it so people know what it is and where it came from.
The remainder of the meeting was spent on developing our 2016 Budget.
Nancy Schlosser made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Gerald Wood
Next meeting is on November 9, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 10, 2015
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 8, 2015
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Julie McIntosh absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Gerald has received an approval letter from the Bonadio Group, stating our books are in good shape. The 990 tax form has been completed and filed on time. Thanks go out to Gerald for all his hard work on this and for installing the new bricks in the sidewalk.
Director’s report – SRP kickoff is scheduled for June 20th from 1pm –2:30pm.
Cash Collection Policy – Policy approval tabled for now. We’ll discuss again at next meeting.
Mid York automation fee proposition vote passed 27 to 1.
Computer update in Children’s room – It’s okay to go ahead with the prior approved purchase of the new computer.
Desk Purchase – This is for the new computer for the children’s room. Further research is needed on this purchase. Would, like the desk to match current single computer desks in main room.
Change in Fair Book Sale location – We have been asked to move from our usual spot to the opposite wall. Amy D will contact people in charge to find out more information on this move. It is approved as long as we don’t lose any space. More space would be even better.
Books offered during Town Sales day – The town sales will be held on July 11th. It was agreed that we would do this, but only during the hours that we are usually open on Saturdays. Set up on the Thursday before and tear down after we close on Saturday. Books offered for a donation. Paperback 25¢ each or 5 for $1, Hardcovers $1 each for 6 for $5.
SRP schedule – Starts Monday, July 6 and the finale with a magician is at 10:30am on August 11th. Monday Pre K-K at 10:30-11:30, Tuesday 1st – 3rd grades at 9:30-10:30 and 4th-5th grades at 10:45-11:45. Tuesday evening from 6-7 will be the Teen group.
The Library Proposition voted on with the School budget passed by 83% with
242 for and 49 against.
New York State Ins. Fund requires that we obtain proof of Workers Compensation Ins. carried by all performers. Amy C has received this form from the Magician that will be performing for the SRP finale. We need this in case we are ever audited.
Doug Marshall has donated some rugs for the library’s use. Not sure where to put them yet.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues.
Nancy Schlosser made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Maurine Brown
Next meeting is on July 13, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 8, 2015
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Julie McIntosh absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. Gerald has received an approval letter from the Bonadio Group, stating our books are in good shape. The 990 tax form has been completed and filed on time. Thanks go out to Gerald for all his hard work on this and for installing the new bricks in the sidewalk.
Director’s report – SRP kickoff is scheduled for June 20th from 1pm –2:30pm.
Cash Collection Policy – Policy approval tabled for now. We’ll discuss again at next meeting.
Mid York automation fee proposition vote passed 27 to 1.
Computer update in Children’s room – It’s okay to go ahead with the prior approved purchase of the new computer.
Desk Purchase – This is for the new computer for the children’s room. Further research is needed on this purchase. Would, like the desk to match current single computer desks in main room.
Change in Fair Book Sale location – We have been asked to move from our usual spot to the opposite wall. Amy D will contact people in charge to find out more information on this move. It is approved as long as we don’t lose any space. More space would be even better.
Books offered during Town Sales day – The town sales will be held on July 11th. It was agreed that we would do this, but only during the hours that we are usually open on Saturdays. Set up on the Thursday before and tear down after we close on Saturday. Books offered for a donation. Paperback 25¢ each or 5 for $1, Hardcovers $1 each for 6 for $5.
SRP schedule – Starts Monday, July 6 and the finale with a magician is at 10:30am on August 11th. Monday Pre K-K at 10:30-11:30, Tuesday 1st – 3rd grades at 9:30-10:30 and 4th-5th grades at 10:45-11:45. Tuesday evening from 6-7 will be the Teen group.
The Library Proposition voted on with the School budget passed by 83% with
242 for and 49 against.
New York State Ins. Fund requires that we obtain proof of Workers Compensation Ins. carried by all performers. Amy C has received this form from the Magician that will be performing for the SRP finale. We need this in case we are ever audited.
Doug Marshall has donated some rugs for the library’s use. Not sure where to put them yet.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues.
Nancy Schlosser made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Maurine Brown
Next meeting is on July 13, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 11, 2015
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Amy D arrived a few minutes late. All present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Amy C. Met with Tara Truett with Madison County Reads Ahead. Terri Smith has volunteered to be a tutor for anyone 18 and older. The adult screening will take place at the library and then they will work with Teri.
Cash Collection – Still a work in progress.
Patron Access Lower levels at off hours – Alarm system is in place as of May 1st. Alarm will sound if tripped during off hours, alerting everyone to unauthorized access on other levels.
Volunteer Appreciation – We will do Drift In certificates again this year for all our volunteers.
990 Form – Contract has been signed, the cost this year is $1750. Gerald is certain that this will be done on time.
Mid York new automation fee proposition – Circulation charges will be based on the Library’s budget. Our circ charges may go down some (45%), while other libraries will see an increase some as much as (250%).
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen
Next meeting is on June 8, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 13, 2015
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Everyone present
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. The annual 990 Tax form is due in mid-May. Gerald will start work on this soon.
Director’s report – Upcoming events May 7-28 Teen SRP kickoff group, May 18- June 6 DCS Student Art showcase, AARP Driver’s Safety TBD. This year’s SRP theme is Super Heroes. Tax prep was well attended this year and Chuck would like to add a third day for next year.
Cash box – Need more cash for making change, which defeats the purpose of having less cash in house. Not sure on solution, will keep working on, as this is a work in progress.
Coffee Table – Gerald has gone to see Dick Smith. He has a table that matches the couch for $250. Jean Whalen made a motion 2nd by Nancy Schlosser to purchase the coffee table. Motion passed unanimously.
Patrons in lower levels – There have been some young adult patrons in the lower levels when the areas are not open for business. Amy C. Will ask Dan about locking their door and how to handle this ongoing problem.
Volunteers – We are need of more volunteers. Amy C will put out on Social media the need for more volunteers and also an ad in the Hi, Neighbor and school bulletin.
Gerald Wood made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford.
Next meeting is on May 11, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 12, 2015
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order. (This meeting was scheduled for 2/9/2015 and was postponed due to a winter storm.)
Attendance taken – Amy Downs absent
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming events – 2/14 Mystery LEGO build, 2/17 3D printer training, 2/25 Senior Tax Prep, 3/2 through 3/27 DCS PARP “Read the Rainbow”
Old fines – Planned timeline for forgiving lost books. A motion was made by Gerald Wood that we forgive any fees for lost items for anything prior to 2010 and for those patrons that we know have moved out of the area. 2nd by Bert Ufford. Motion passed unanimously. We will readdress this each year, and keep trying to recover fees or lost items from patrons still in the area.
Cash collection – We will start keeping track of what money has come in and log what it is was for printing, faxes, books, etc.. We still need to update our policy for petty cash for audit purposes.
Purchase of replacement children’s books – While weeding books in the children’s room, Amy has come across some really loved books that are in rough shape. As these are still much loved books they should be replaced. Amy asked how they should be purchased and paid for. It was decided that this money should not be taken out of the book budget money but, to use money from gifts and memorials unless the money was earmarked for something else specifically.
Nancy Schlosser made a motion to adjourn, 2nd Julie McIntosh.
Next meeting is on March 9, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
Jean Whalen called the meeting to order. (This meeting was scheduled for 2/9/2015and was postponed due to a winter storm)
Attendance taken ~ Amy Downs absent.
The minutes of the 2014 annual meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Election of Board Members –
Amy Downs has finished her first full five year term and has agreed to another five years. Thank you Amy.
The Slate of officers for 2015 was presented as follows:
Amy Downs President
Jean Whalen Vice President
Gerald Wood Treasurer
Bert Ufford Secretary
The secretary cast one ballet for the slate of officers.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 12, 2015
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – all present
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming programs
3D printer training- Feb break for kids.
Amy is weeding and shuffling books in children’s room. May notice things have been moved.
Board member vacancy – Amy Downs made a motion to nominate Maurine Brown to fill the Board vacancy, 2nd by Jean Whalen. Motion passed unanimously. Welcome Maurine, and thank you for joining our Board of Trustees.
Bert Ufford made a motion to donate our old printer the St. Lawrence Church, 2nd by Julie McIntosh.
Motion passed unanimously.
Old fines – It was decided that we would forgive anyone who has late fees for overdue items, this amounts to around $800. These were fees that were incurred before we put the no fines policy into effect. The bills on patron accounts for lost items will remain on their accounts.
Our lease needs to be signed for another year. We will read it over first before we commit to signing it.
Our Annual meeting will take place before our regular meeting on February 9, 2015
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford.
Next meeting is on February 9, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 8, 2014
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Nancy Schlosser absent
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Director’s report – Upcoming programs
Dec. 13th First Grade Field Trip, Dec. 14th Volunteer Secret Santa, Dec. 29th National Card Playing Day program
Board member vacancy – We welcomed Maurine Brown to our meeting. Maurine is observing for this meeting and will then decide if it is something she wants to commit to. Thanks Maurine for giving us a chance.
Copy/ Print / Fax Pricing Policy – Jean Whalen made a motion to adopt the printer policy. 2nd by Amy Downs.
All in favor motion carried. A school student UPK-12 or a tutor, the first 5 black and white copies are free if it is school related. Tax form copies, also the first 5 black and white copies are free. Black/White copy or print 20¢ per page, Color copy or print 50¢ per page. Fax $1.00 per page with a $20 max charge per job. Senior Citizen black/white 15¢ per page, color copy/print and fax same as general public. **Patrons are responsible for all copies that are made, regardless of printing unintentionally or accidentallyd. **
Gates Money – Amy C. will use the remaining money for 3D printer supplies.
Old Printer donation – Amy C. will ask the Historical Society or Ruritan if they are interested in the printer.
Patron Conduct / Youth Supervision – Bert Ufford made a motion to change our Library Rules of Conduct policy, 2nd by Julie McIntosh. We will the raise the age of unattended children from 6 to 12 without parent or guardian supervision. And add a No Food or Drink clause. All in Favor Motion carried.
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Amy Downs.
Thanks, Amy C for the wonderful Christmas cookies.
Next meeting is on January 12, 2015.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 10, 2014
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 20, 2014
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 8, 2014
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 11, 2014
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 9th, 2014
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 12th, 2014
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Bet Ufford absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Board Member – Amy D. contacted a potential new Board member and at this time no one has accepted.
Wainscoting – Gerald called Tim Etter to speak with him about ideas on how to display wainscoting. They will discuss in again in June.
Dolly Parton Imagination – There was an error on the submission of Dolly Parton Imagination applications but applicants should be receiving there book within the month.
Library hour change –Amy C. presented the idea of opening the library on Wednesdays from 2:00 – 4:00 for a middle high school program. A volunteer would also be needed to cover Wednesdays. Amy C. would then leave at 3:00 Tuesdays. Library will be closed July 5, 2014. Amy C. will put a notification in the paper. Motion was made by Jean Whalen and 2nd by Nancy Schlosser.
Bricks – Gerald spoke with Dan Degear regarding his thoughts on a pattern of adding new bricks. Gerald will work on putting the 8 bricks in. Another application was received for the memory bricks.
Bonidio Group – Gerald delivered paperwork to group. Extension is being filed for the Fed Form 990. This form is proof that we are a non-profit. Library Board will receive a letter from Bonidio stating all is in order. Total charge is $1,075.
Broken Window – A window was broken in the history by someone throwing a rock. Cops were called. This will be covered by insurance if the town decides to submit it.
Joan Ball – Gerald spoke with Maryanne and she suggested that the library display a picture of Joan Ball.
Outdoor Movies – Jean discussed the idea of joint sponsoring an outdoor movie. Jean has all of the information that she will share.
Art Show – DeRuyter High School’s artwork will be on display beginning May 31st. Refreshments will be provided. (Julie-water, Jean-cookies, Nancy-fruit, Amy C-cheese and Amy D. – crackers)
Nancy Schlosser made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen.
Next meeting is on June 9, 2014.
Respectfully submitted
Julie McIntosh
DeRuyter Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 14th, 2014
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken – Nancy Schlosser absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Amy D. Contacted the list of potential new Board Members and neither were available at this time to join our Board. We brainstormed two new names Bailey Coon and Jen Ladd, Amy D., will try again and see if they are interested.
Wainscoting display – Gerald has agreed to take this project on. He will make a display to be hung up in the History Room. Thanks Gerald.
SRP Purchase – Motion was made by Bert Ufford and 2nd by Amy Downs to purchase a 3D Printer and supplies, also when needed a new laser printer for at the Circ desk for public use. All in favor, motion passed unanimously.
Volunteers Appreciation – It was decided to again do gift certificates for the Drift Inn for all volunteers. Amy D., will talk to Randy to be sure he is okay with this. Amy C., will get a current list of volunteer names to Bert, who will mail the certificates out when Amy D., gets the approval from Randy.
Amy D. received a letter requesting help with tuition for a local college student. We as a Board decided that we will not be honoring this request as it would open us up to honor all future requests.
Amy C., will be out on the 23rd of April.
Trustee training originally scheduled for March 26th has been changed and is now being offered on Wednesday, April 30th in Morrisville. There will be refreshments but no dinner. All are welcome to attend.
Jean Whalen made a motion 2nd by Julie McIntosh to purchase more rods for displaying art work. Motion passed unanimously.
Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford.
Next meeting is on May 12, 2014.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
March 10, 2014
meeting to order.Attendance taken –all presentThe minutes of the
previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.Treasurer’s report was
presented and accepted.OLD BUSINESSWe developed a list of potential new Board Members. Amy D., will contact Amanda Graham, Gloria
Hakes to see if they are interested.Wainscoting display – Gerald will discuss this with Maryann and Darla and
see what their idea is for this display and develop a plan.NEW BUSINESSDoll House Raffle – Lynn
Jackson has donated a doll house that she won at a raffle. We will check with Dan to see if it is okay
for us to hold our own raffle. If so,
tickets will be sold from now until SRP kickoff in June. It may be okay as long as we refer to the
tickets cos as a donation.Disposal of TV in
children’s room. The TV still works and
it will be donated to a needy family by way of the Food Pantry. Thanks Amy D.SRP Program purchase using
Gates money – Amy C has suggested that we purchase a 3D printer. Makerbot mini for $1375. We would charge a small fee for the use of
this printer to cover the cost of supplies. We need to get more information such as voltage needed to run it, size
of printer and the cost of a cart to keep it on, before we can vote on the
purchase.There is a training
seminar being offered at Mid York headquarters in Utica on March 26th for
Board of Trustee members. The seminar is
titled the Unquiet Zone. Diner is at 5pm
followed by the seminar at 6pm. Any are
welcome to attend.Amy D asked that
volunteers, Ginger and her two helpers, please fill out applications, to be
kept on file.Thank you notes will be
sent out to Tom Brown for his delicious cookies and service as a Board member
and also to Dick Smith for the donation of the clocks.Nancy Schlosser made a
motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jean Whalen.Next meeting is on April
14, 2014.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
February 10, 2014
Amy Downs called the meeting to order.
Attendance taken ~ Tom Brown absent.
The minutes of the 2013 annual meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Election of Board Members –
Julie McIntosh has finished the term she was filling for Maryanne Marr and has been unanimously elected to serve her first full five year term.
Tom Brown has resigned his position as Board member effective February 10, 2014.
The Slate of officers for 2014 was presented as follows:
Amy Downs President
Jean Whalen Vice President
Gerald Wood Treasurer
Bert Ufford Secretary
The secretary cast one ballet for the slate of officers.
Jean Whalen made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Nancy Schlosser.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford
them in the community.Tom Whitmarsh will be our next Artist to display; his opening will be sometime late March.Ginger Martin had a good turnout for the Valentine’s card program with 24 in attendance.OLD BUSINESSGerald presented us with a clock he found at Dick Smith’s. This clock will fit our needs and can be mounted on the wall. Thanks Gerald for
taking this on.NEW BUSINESSMaryanne Marr has asked if we are going to follow through with the display of original wainscoting and hooks with children’s names. Amy C searched for these and will ask Maryanne for more info on their exact location. We will discuss this more at our next meeting.Volunteer application ~ This person had admitted freely that she has a felony conviction on record. She’s open to discuss it. It was agreed that if the rest of her references check out she can be approved.We have been chosen to become a part of the Edge Initiative funded by the Gates Foundation. 58 libraries in the nation participate in this program. They will come and do an analysis of the Library and tell us where we are headed as far as our technology and ways in which to improve.With Tom Brown’s resignation, we need to come up with s list of possible candidates for his replacement. Try and think of some names to bring to next month’s board meeting.Julie McIntosh made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bert Ufford.Next meeting is on March 10, 2014.
Respectfully submitted
Bert Ufford