Lending Policy

Our Library is


  • Why fine free? We would like to offer the policy as a gesture of gratitude for the many, many years of strong community support! Our 2012 trial was an initial success, and so we have decided to continue it indefinitely.
  • How many items can  a patron check out?  Patrons are allowed a combination of a maximum 100 books, magazines and books on CD per account.  DVD’s checkouts are limited to 3 per account.
  • Will there still be due dates? Yes, our 3 week due date and renewal
    policies will not change. You will still receive a courtesy phone reminder to return
    overdue materials. As long as the items are returned, you will not be
  • Can items be renewed?  Yes.  Most materials can be renewed for 2 week periods. Items that cannot be renewed: DVD’s, new release titles, any materials that are on hold for another patron.
  • What happens if materials are destroyed or lost? In this case, you will be charged for the replacement cost. If the item that you borrowed was owned by our library, you will have the option of bringing in a replacement copy.
  • Will all old overdue fines be erased? No, any fines on your card that were accrued before September 8th,  2012 will remain. You may pay them in cash, or you may bring in donations for the DeRuyter Food Pantry. For each nonperishable food item given, we will forgive $1.00 of your overdue fine!
  • Is there still a way to give to the library if items are returned late? If you truly feel that you would like to repay the library for an overdue item, we will accept any small amount that you would like to offer as a donation.

Further questions? Contact us at any time!

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